Thursday, October 2, 2008

Walkin' Willie's Comix Big Fat Sale Now at 35% OFF!

That's right - Walkin' Willie's Comix Big Fat Sale is now at 35% OFF!

The prices are still set at retail but when you add comics to your shopping cart, you will see the 35% discount.

Also, please remember that you acrue even more discounts the more you buy - check this out:

$10.00 or more: 10% additional OFF!
$35.00 or more: 15% additional OFF!
$75.00 or more: 20% additional OFF!

If you win one of my eBay items (more to go up there very, very soon), you get 30% additional OFF! In fact, if you bought an eBay item from us during the last 12 months, you should have received your discount coupon. If you didn't, just e-mail us and we will get it to you pronto!

Finally, you might want to check out our eCrater Store - lots of tradepaperbacks, hardcovers and graphic novels at insane discounts.

Happy Shopping!

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